New CEO for NorSea Logistics 

We welcome May Britt Lilletvedt, our new head of NorSea Logistics, who will join us in August.

“I am so excited! First and foremost, to get to know the people at NorSea, who I have heard so many positive things about. I am also looking forward to getting to know customers, partners and the industry,” says May Britt Lilletvedt. 

She is 50 years old and lives at Madla in Stavanger. From there, the distance is almost the same to NorSea’s head office in Tananger as it is to Dusavik. May Britt’s dialect reveals that she was not raised in Stavanger, even though she could pass for a local: 

“I grew up in Odda, moved there from Eastern Norway when I was a kid. That’s where I got my trucks certificate! So if they need an extra hand at the base, I can give it try, says May Britt and laughs. 

Summer at the smeltery 
She had one summer behind the wheel, literally, at the smeltery in her hometown by the fjord – and the beautiful mountains. Then she went on to optician studies, and to 12 years of glasses, eye tests, lenses – and management. Quite a lot of management. 

She has a Master’s in the subject, people who know her say she is good with people, cares about her colleagues, and curious in a good, attentive way. Both when it comes to people’s well-being, about development and improvement. 

“For me, it’s all about working together, doing things together. About having a desire to learn, to get better. About contributing, doing your best. About knowing people. That’s why I peeled a lot of onions – and cleaned the dishes when I was offshore, says the new head of Logistics. 

She comes from the role of head of Sodexo Remote Sites Norway, part of the gigantic French company with more than 450,000 employees. They are, among other things, experts at catering, food, canteens and such, both onshore and offshore. Prior to Sodexo, she held management positions in Mirmorax, Pipetech International and Roxar, all three companies in the supplier industry for oil and gas. 

Interested in more of May Britt’s background? Take a look here.

Now she will concentrate on base operation, full time from mid-August. May Britt has six months’ notice period in Sodexo but will spend some time ahead to get to know NorSea. 

“I got a very good impression of the company, of a proud history, of big plans for the future, by Lars Haug and the other people I’ve met. At one of the interviews Lars asked me about my values. The question hit a tone, a tone that I like incredibly well! I have worked with values a lot, explains May Britt Lilletvedt, and talk about generous, responsible, present and grateful. 

In Norwegian this spells out to be RATT – which means steering wheel. Some of the values come naturally to her, such as responsible. Others require more work. They are a challenge – just as it should be with values. 

“We can’t take for granted that we find the right people at the right time, but this time we have – and I am both happy and grateful for that. I have come to know May Britt as a warm, good person who has long leadership experience. She is passionate about the people around her. She is focused on the team working well together. She is committed to getting better, creating good results. I look forward to getting to know her even better, and to work closely with May Britt, says Lars Haug, who returns to his original job in Corporate Management when the new CEO for Logistics is in place. 

Outdoor life! 
Outside of work May Britt spends time with her husband and children, a total of four of them. Two are her own, but they are all one family.  It’s all about building a family, fellowship, leisure time and friendship. Life. 

Outdoor life is an important part of May Britt. Like the tent trip in Hunnedalen with pulk, champagne, tent and the dog August (a name to match May). As is kayaking on the quiet mountain lake, the cabin in Sirdal, hikes at home and abroad with family and friends. 

“I get a great deal of energy in everyday life meeting people face to face, working on challenges to be solved, goals to be achieved. At the same time, these breaks away from work are very important to me; The skiing summit tours, hiking with a tent with my husband, a trip to the Alps with the kids. They are all grown, but it is just as nice to travel together now as it was when they were younger! 

We are delighted that you now become a HERO, May Britt! Welcome to NorSea, we are looking forward to getting to know you better. 

Safer. Smarter. Greener. With May Britt on the team.